How we Run.

Our Policies & How we Run

The Carbon Community is a UK Registered Charity number 1187231 and formed as a charitable company limited by guarantee, registration number 12273280.

The purpose of the Charity is:
1. to conserve, improve and protect the physical and natural environment for the public benefit by:
1. the creation, promotion and sustainable management of new community forests specifically optimized for maximum carbon sequestration in trees and soil;
2. providing individuals, communities, businesses and other organizations with opportunities to participate in sustainable carbon sequestration projects; and
3. such other means as the Trustee may from time to time decide; and
2. to advance the education of the public in the protection, enhancement and rehabilitation of the environment, in particular but not exclusively in relation to forestation as a means of carbon sequestration, and to promote study and research in such subjects and dissemination of the results of such research and study to the public.
The Carbon Community's governing document is its Memorandum and Articles of Association and conducts business according to the following policies: